The dominance of old media in the marketing sector is slowly crumbling as more efficient methods of reaching one’s audience are gaining popularity, thanks to the ever-changing internet trends. Online advertising is fast becoming the weapon of choice for savvy business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, and marketers.
I have observed that many businesses and marketers often jump into the world of online marketing in Kenya but after a few months, the wind in their sails vanishes when they receive dismal results. Most of these businesses commit the cardinal sin of digital marketing: Underestimating the value of professional photography and videography in their product campaign.

Image by Clinet Media; Bata Product Photography
Utilizing the services of a digital marketing agency to manage your product campaign is a sound business move, but working with a digital marketing agency in Nairobi, especially one with in-house photography and videography studio is a stroke of genius.
It’s natural to have doubts but the benefits listed below are enough to convince you otherwise.
Why Chose An Agency With In-house Production Unit?
A good digital marketing agency in Nairobi will create and manage your marketing campaign from concept to the last stage. First, they analyse what your business/brand is all about, then review your target audience, and later the ways through which your brand will reach them.
This process includes generating and publishing compelling audiovisual content for your target audience(s). At Clinet Media, we always select the channel where your message will have a wider reach and attract the best results not just in your social media marketing campaigns but also the other online platforms as well.
Compare this to an agency with segregated units. Unlike the former, these agencies will not advertise your brand entirely. They may choose to study your target audience, and give you feedback on what you need to do to reach more people. They could also decide to work on your branding content but outsource some service like website design photography or video editing from other companies. In short, they are not with you throughout your branding journey.

Image by Clinet Media; Enigma Decor Photography
Of course, you are free to choose any of the other options when it comes to online marketing photography and videography. But before you make that final decision, it would be better to weigh the upsides and downsides that accompany working with agencies that have in-house production units vs those without.
Next, let’s examine the importance of digital marketing photography in Nairobi (and videography too).
Photography & Videography Are The Linchpins In Digital Marketing
Search engines, social media, and websites are a core part of digital marketing. In recent years, all of them have evolved to support all kinds of visual content which has, in turn, given rise to renewed need and relevance for photography and online marketing videography.
Right now, if you are to start a marketing campaign, the use of high-quality photos and videos will give you a serious head start in all of these platforms. This is because of the following two major reasons:
1. Search Algorithms Love High-Quality Photos And Videos
This is one of the best-kept secrets in digital marketing. Search engines like Google and Bing use algorithms to index search results. Content with high-quality videos and photos are more likely to top the list.
Just recently, Google announced the shift to a more visual way of finding information on its search engine. You can even clearly see that they have revamped their image search interface to deliver better results based on your custom preferences.
What this means is that if your marketing campaign has high-quality photos or videos, it has better chances of reaching more people. That includes the content on your website and social media as well.

Image by Clinet Media; Treasure Gift Shop Product Photography
2. Uniqueness & Brand Identity
Since digital marketing has become a gold rush with a myriad of similar products crowding the market, how do you ensure that your brand rises from the murk of shoddy product campaigns?
The answer to your question is using high-quality photos and videos to show the unique aspects of who you are and what you are offering to the market. One of the advantages of this approach is that it will enable your product to stand out from the rest and generate its own identity.
Nowadays, brands add visual elements to their story. It’s not only beneficial but also necessary for any business that has an online presence. That’s basically how your consumers will get to know and relate to you – Through the use of visuals that communicate the personality of your brand and values it advocates for. Making this consistent is what creates and increases brand awareness
Original Photos Are An Asset To Covet
Any serious business with a product to sell or are a service-to-offer should seriously consider owning a catalogue of original photos and videos. With the advent of vector graphics, motion graphics and image manipulation as powerful digital marketing tools; original stock photos are a must-have for any digital marketing campaign.
Downloaded photos rarely offer the same flexibility that original assets do. This is because important factors like copyrights and quality can not be guaranteed.
Working with a digital marketing agency with an in-house photography and videography studio gives you the advantage of controlling the quantity and quality of photos and videos used for your campaign with the added advantage of not worrying about copyrights.
Armed with your custom stock photos and footage, the realization of unique and abstract look for your digital marketing campaign becomes a possibility.

Image by Clinet Media; Beyond Fruits Photography
Embracing A Top to Bottom Production Pipeline
One of the biggest advantages of working with a digital marketing agency that has an in-house photography and videography studio is that you get a complete production pipeline. Working with professionals who understand how to get your marketing campaign from the conceptualization stage all the way to the final product will save you a serious migraine.
Remember, creating a successful digital campaign involves a lot of planning, development, and good management. All three aspects have to work harmoniously in order for you to experience success. However, the biggest mistake most businesses make is assuming that the ‘moving parts’ will somehow work together even when each is far away or being handled by another entity. That’s a recipe for failure.
Your marketing campaign will be more cohesive if it’s one team behind it, as opposed to outsourcing some functions such as photography or videography to another studio. That aside, you will also save time and money with this approach.
Generally, seeking services from one social media agency in Nairobi, Kenya is cheaper as compared to when you have several companies working on the same project.
For starters, entrusting your advertisement to one digital marketing agency in Kenya ensures you have higher chances of getting your desired result and on time than when you have to follow up with different people. This is because the one company you consult has the advantage to plan the entire process and even give an expected delivery date.

Image by Clinet Media; Thames Express
Final Thoughts
The benefits of utilizing the services of a digital marketing agency with an in house photography studio should be obvious to you by now. There’s clearly a lot for you to gain as a marketer, company executive, or business owner. Basically, you stand a better chance of success when your social media photography in Nairobi, Kenya is done by an established and experienced agency, not to mention all the savings you will make. Contact us at Clinet media today and jump miles ahead of your competition.